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Leaders Group Kick-off!
Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 7:00 PM PDT
Category: Events

We are excited to announce the start of the 2022 Leaders' Group! This group is designed for Clinical Directors and Leadership Staff in our state as a place to come together and support each other.  This is simply a way to support our leaders in ABA in our state and no commitment is needed.  Being in a leadership position can be challenging and even lonely at times.  The most recent BHCOE data showed the highest rate of increased burn out and turn over was for upper leadership staff during this pandemic.  We are excited to offer a group to help support our ABA leaders during this time.  
The first Leaders' Meeting will be Tuesday January 25th at 7pm.  
Zoom link will be sent out one week before. If you have any questions or specific items you would like support on please contact us at [email protected]